Sunday, March 14, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

We are so happy to finally be home...all three of us.  I swear Sofie knows we are finally done with the traveling.  She's seen her pictures on the walls, desks and mantle...and of course loves having her own room and her own toys.  We have been living out of suitcases and ziplock bags for two weeks, so I made it a point to unpack and store everything today and get the house in order so she knows we aren't leaving again.

When I posted last night we thought Sofie was out, but she popped back up at about 1am...she & I were up until about 6am while Brandon got some much-needed sleep.  All three of us slept most of the day today which was a bummer because it was sunny and 80!  We got up, had some lunch and headed out for a nice walk and explored the backyard.  Sofie learned that she can only get so close to the pool and that she has to lay down on her belly if she wants to splash around in the water with her hands.  She also helped Baba clean the pool and skimmer baskets.  She's a very helpful girl!

The three of us had some dinner...Chuy's never tasted so good!  Then watched a little bit of a movie, read books and played a bit and she fell asleep at about 11pm.  We're hoping she'll sleep through the night.  Fingers crossed!

Mastering the stairs...slides down on her tiny hiney!

Watching her favorite movie, Ice Age, in her favorite spot

Karaoke Kid

Watching Sesame Street

Captured by YeYe Poppy while Skype-ing from Hong Kong

Some new things we have learned about Sofie:

  • Sofie loves tomatoes, bananas, leafy greens, spicy food (she macked on the creamy jalapeno from Chuy's tonight!) and of course noodles and chicken wings.

  • Sofie does not like bread, cookies, crackers (not even Gold Fish!) or red meat

  • Her favorite toy since being home...flash cards and her "baby", a bunny from Auntie Lisa

  • Home girl knows how to pull weeds!  Yes!

  • Did I tell you how much she loves to be naked?

  • She would NOT go in the squatty potties in Asia.  Nope, not having it.  Girl likes her a nice clean toilet.

  • She loves, loves, loves to be outside.  Perfect!

Tomorrow we will venture out to get some kid supplies - we'll see how she does out and about in her new hometown.


  1. Glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. Miss Sofie seems to be settling in nicely:)

  2. I hope my two little boxes of love get there tomorrow. Just small inexpensive little stuff. Thanks for our updates. It is starting to sound perfect.

  3. It's great to see Sofie all settling in her rightful spot, princess of the palace! :) I'm so happy for ya'll!

    Have a great day!
