Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So, we heard about the jet lag coming back from China...but we weren't prepared for the utter lack of sleep and feeling like we are hungover for days.  We decided we couldn't let this go on for days...or weeks, so went for the "rip the bandaid off" method and so far, so good.

Sofie went to bed for the night at 6am on Sunday and Monday morning, which was her bedtime in China.  Of course one of us had to be up with her overnight so I took the first shift Saturday night and we all slept until about 3pm on Sunday.  The three of us stayed up all night on Sunday/Monday early morning.  Monday was rough!  Sofie went to sleep at 6am and we decided to get her up at around 9am.  It was the only way we were going to quickly break the cycle.  We had all been up all night and were so, so tired.  But come dinner time, Silly literally fell asleep at the dinner table!  And slept the entire night in her own bed.  Hooray! 

We got her up this morning and did not let her nap all day, so she feel asleep at 8pm.  We are hoping she will sleep the night again...a few more nights and I think we'll all be good. 

We have incorporated Sofie in to her name as we use it and she is already starting to point to herself and say "Sofie".  She also knows many English words now, which is great.  We had our first battle of the wills today and what a battle it was!  They told us she was stubborn...but Mama is stubborn too and has infinite patience.  It took 45 minutes to get her to clean up all the papers she tossed on the floor...but I know she'll think twice next time...she's a smart kid.

Some photos from our first days home...

Bird watching with Baba

Spaghetti was a hit  She also loves ketchup (apparently they produce it in the city she came from) and strawberries.  Can you tell I am a new Mom?  Who's idea was it to feed the kid spaghetti in a white shirt...?

Reading her special book written by Auntie Peanut and Cousin Andrew

Paperdolls were also a big hit

Such a happy little girl!


  1. Whew! That made me tired reading it...I'm a girl that needs her sleep, so that part I don't look forward to!

    She's my kind of girl....loving ketchup!

    Love all the pics!


  2. She is such a beautiful little girl. Simply breath taking.

  3. We travel quite a lot to and from England (and have since Alexandra was a baby) and although it's not as far as China, it'a a 10-11 hour flight from Phoenix. We've found that it always takes a good week to get over the jet lag and get into home routines, don't worry, after only a few days you are doing great! When Alexandra was Sofie'a age, having a really regular bedtime routine really helped to get back into it (dinner, bath, stories, dim lights etc), as well as withholding or shortening naps. Alexandra is extremely stubborn and knows her own mind too. It has its own blessings to have a strong-willed child, I think in many ways the older they get, the more you appreciate it as they're less likely to be influenced by some of the peer-rubbish (yes even in Kindergarten) going on at school. Even though I have torn my hair out at A's stubbornness, I have been amazed by her cool-headed appraisals of some of the stuff she sees around her.

  4. I, being the night Owl that I am could have been her "Best Stay Up All Night Buddy". Ketchup cuisine --yes, David and Kerri brought me a red Heinz T Shirt last year from the beach that says "I Put Ketchup on My Ketchup". Love XS 3 Mom/Nana Joyce

  5. Cathy(Waters)StanleyMarch 16, 2010 at 11:43 PM

    Hey there Brandon--Kerri gave me this blog that you have and then your mom sent an email with Sofie doing Karaoke. She is adorable and I'm so happy for you and your wife(I can't think of her name right now). Are you sure this is the same Brandon that lived on Sunnyside Dr. and hung out with my brothers??? Wow how things change over the years. I just think it is so amazing you have this little girl that is yours and are having so much fun. The reasons for being up late are so different now than years ago with I'm sure sneaking around the neighborhood at all sorts of hours. I'm so happy for you 3. Have fun and enjoy life with your daughter!!! Love, Cathy

  6. Hi Melissa,
    I think we are making progress on the sleeping patterns here. Emmalyne/Ping-ping is now taking a normal nap during the day and going to bed at a normal time. She still tends to wake in the middle of the night a few times. Hopefully this will diminish over time. She's also been sick the past few days, so that's probably not helping. Sofie is SO cute and adorable and just interesting. I thought you'd have fun with her.


  7. Hi!!!!!!
    OK - I want to know how you got her to pick up the papers? We have had some doozies too. Have you ever had an electric toothbrush launched at you?? Somehow we will survive this! Otherwise, we are back on track. Feeling rested, and everyone is starting to sleep pretty well in their own beds.....

    So sorry we had to miss our glass of wine! But, I am so glad we got to meet and that I got to meet Sofie too!!!! What a treasure she is!

