Wednesday, February 23, 2011

San Diego

Sofie & I headed to San Diego last week to visit with Nana & Papa and spend time with friends I haven't seen in a very long time.  Brandon & I moved from there in 2001 and haven't been back to visit since Christmas of 2003.  So, it was a long overdue trip.  Unfortunately, I was not very good about taking photos...most of them are from my phone...but here are a few for your viewing pleasure.

We went to Stone Brewery for lunch, then spent time with the Garvey's in Carlsbad...

Dinner with Nana...

We got to spend time with my oldest and dearest friend Christy and her family...

Then we headed to the Anderson's to play with Erin and Devan and have dinner with friends...

Finally, down to San Diego for lunch with our friend Dina and our friends the seagulls...

Thanks to everyone for making time to see us and for the hospitality.  It was so much fun spending time with you all!


  1. That Sofie is so photogenic! She takes such sweet pictures! Looks like you two had a blast!


  2. Oh, to go outside without coats again. It's a long time between summers here. (sigh) Hope you had a great trip.

