Friday, August 13, 2010

New Friends and The Napa Fair

Sofie has made lots of little friends over at the park near our house.  There is one family in particular we get together with a few times a week and this week the Daddy brought his camera and took some great photos of the kiddos playing:

Sofie with Juliet and her sister Danielle

Today we went to the Napa Town & Country Fair.  It was so much fun to watch Sofie encounter the living, breathing animals she loves to imitate.  We saw chickens, ducks, bunnies, pigs, goats, sheep, cows and horses.  Sofie also got to experience the" quality" fair kiddies rides (we chose them carefully!) and had lots of fun.  And she insisted on wearing her tutu, or "dancy skirt" as she calls it:


  1. Sofie looks like she's been having lots of fun! I love her skirt by the way, very cute :)

    Luke says hi to Sofie! Lol.


  2. Love Sofie's fashion choice for the trip to the fair! She looks adorable! It looks like it was a great day at the fair! Napa just looks like a wonderful place!

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  3. Hi Melissa! It looks like things are going well in your new home. Glad you all had a fun day together, and that Sofie has already made friends.

  4. Oooh, I love fairs and all of the animals. Great memories...even the stinky pig noses.
