Thursday, October 29, 2009

Feeling Fortunate

So in the midst of my impatience, frustration and anxiety about this wait, I receive a mass e-mail from our agency coordinator yesterday.  There has been lots of rumbling on the China adoption forums by people who are still waiting to be matched and getting fed up with their agency...which happens to be our agency too.  So our coordinator sent out a "refresher" of sorts to remind people how the process works.

Her job is to find families for the children.  And while a family can apply to adopt a Waiting Child, there is no guarantee they will be matched.  She mentioned that for every baby girl she comes across, there are many, many families waiting...and that they currently have 500 applications on file for families hoping to be matched.  500 applications!  This just blew me away.  What a job that must be to sort through all those applications to find what she feels is the best match for a child!

Reading that e-mail made me feel so incredibly fortunate and grateful to have been matched withour daughter after only 3 months of waiting.  And, it makes me feel really good that out of all those families, she felt we were the best match for Hongyan.  We feel there is no better match for us.

So, feeling very fortunate today and lucky to have gotten that reality check to remind me to feel fortunate each and every day...for what we have in our life already and for what will come in the future.

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